How to report unethical lenders
How to

How to report unethical lenders

Are you aware that you can report bad lenders who couldn’t possibly care less about conforming to lawful and responsible lending practices? We sincerely hope so. But we don’t live in an ideal world. As much as there are good and responsible lenders who recover loans ethically and understand that borrowers’ have a right to […]

How mobile SDK works for lending decisions
How to

How mobile SDK works for lending decisions

Are we the only ones who find it alarming that there are digital lenders who give out loans to Nigerians without a credit history? Where exactly is the confidence coming from? Many Nigerians don’t have a formal credit history but this is no surprise. The credit gap in Nigeria is N109 trillion wide and the […]

How to obtain a moneylenders’ license in Nigeria
How to

How to obtain a moneylenders’ license in Nigeria

Now that you have succeeded in your building efforts so far, you mustn’t forget the final hurdle. You need a moneylenders license to operate your lending business in Nigeria.

How to verify borrower’s ID
How to

How to verify borrower’s ID

In a country where there’s a huge consumer credit gap, high inflation and poverty rates, loans are definitely in high demand. As a lender, this means you get a high influx of loan applications daily. And guess what? You have to verify the identities of every single borrower that passes through your funnel. Character is […]

How to assess loan applications for individual borrowers  
How to

How to assess loan applications for individual borrowers  

While lending is globally known to be very profitable, after all even in the bad economy of Nigeria, banks routinely deliver superlative returns, the thoughts of Non Performing Loans (NPL) ratios would make any lender worry. The reputation of Nigerians not paying back their loans poses a red flag and emphasizes the need to develop […]

Boosting your lending app rating on Google and Apple app stores
Growth marketing

Boosting your lending app rating on Google and Apple app stores

Think about all the apps you’ve installed over the last few years. What was the first thing that caught your eye and would ultimately determine whether you would proceed to download the app or bypass it in search of a better alternative? If you’re like everyone else with commonsense, then ratings and reviews tend to […]

Why using bank statements is important for loan decisions
How to

Why using bank statements is important for loan decisions

Perhaps the greatest head-scratcher for lenders is the fact that an average Nigerian doesn’t have a credit report (yikes!) but bank statements have proven to be a solid tool for assessing a borrower’s capacity to take a loan. Sometimes, it may even be a means of assessing their character as well (Interesting right? Stay tuned). […]

Tell your lending story. Win N50,000! 🏆
How to

Tell your lending story. Win N50,000! 🏆

We can bet that you will have at least one great lending story. Tell us today, win N50,000.

Attracting your ideal clientele as a lender
How to

Attracting your ideal clientele as a lender

As a lender, repeat customers are essential for building and maintaining a healthy business; but expanding your clientele and attracting new customers is the key to growing your business, as well as growing your income. Financial lending is one of the growing niches in the Fintech space and will experience massive growth in few years […]

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